Community Benefits – Flintshire County Council


New Crisis Fund (£10,000 awarded)

Provide a 'crisis fund' to address fuel poverty by assisting vulnerable households with the cost of repairing or replacing their ineffective or broken heating systems. It helped alleviate problems and difficulties facing 19 vulnerable residents who were experiencing fuel poverty and significant health issues.  It provided more energy efficient measures and made a significant improvement to people’s quality of life.

In total 12 boilers were either repaired or replaced including:

  • 10 gas boiler replacements
  • 1 oil boiler to gas boiler replacement
  • 1 gas boiler repair



Community Transport Project (£10,000 awarded)

An accessible and inclusive community transport solution for residents in Saltney Ferry, supporting vulnerable and socially isolated people where a real need for transport has been identified.

The council has witnessed a major decline in commercial bus services operating in Flintshire. Residents without a car, and individuals that are disabled have experienced the lack of transport a major barrier in accessibility to core public services and amenities. As a result, residents have experienced social exclusion and isolation and have become extremely vulnerable. This has had further health and wellbeing, independence, and dignity, and created major barriers to employment, education, and training.

The funding facilitated a free weekly community transport service for residents in Saltney Ferry to access core public services, wider transport links, retail, employment, and education.


Heat Homes
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